Journal Articles

  • Josipovic (2023): "What Can Data Justice Mean for Asylum Governance? The Case of Smartphone Data Extraction in Germany", Journal of Refugee Studies, fead049,
  • Josipovic, Ivan, Rosenberger Sieglinde und Segarra, Helena (2023): "Policy Entrepreneurs of European Disintegration? The Case of Austrian Asylum Governance After 2015", Politics and Governance 11(3), 79-90. doi:
    • Josipovic, Ivan (2022): "Wenn das Smartphone der Kontrolle dient – Zur Datenträgerauswertung im österreichischen Asylverfahren", Juridikum: Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht, Gesellschaft 1/2022, 20-32.
    • Schweitzer, Reinhard / Humphris, Rachel / Monforte, Pierre (2022): “Editorial Introduction: The Role of “Voluntariness” in the Governance of Migration”, Migration and Society: Advances in Research 5: 1–12. (Download, Open Access)
    • Schweitzer, Reinhard (2022): Voluntary Return” without Civil Society? How the Exclusion of Nongovernment Actors from the Austrian and British Return Regimes Affects the Quality of Voluntariness. Migration and Society 5(1). (Download, Open Access)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Seisl, Benedikt / Stadlmair, Jeremias / Dalpra, Elio (2022): What are Petitions Good for? Institutional Design and Democratic Funktions. Parliamentary Affairs, Vol 75 (1), 217-237. DOI: (Download, Open Access)
    • Gruber, Oliver / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2021): Between opportunities and constraints: right-wing populists as designers of migrant integration policy. Journal: Policy Studies. DOI: (Download, Open Access)
    • Hadj Abdou, Leila / Ruedin, Didier (2021): The Austrian People's Party: an anti-immigrant right party? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (Special issue edited by Hadj Abdou, Leila, Bale, Tim, and Geddes, Andrew: Centre-right parties and immigration in an era of politicization). DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1853904. (Download, Open Access)
    • Hadj Abdou, Leila / Bale, Tim / Geddes, Andrew (2021): Centre-right parties and immigration in an era of politicization. Introduction to Special Issue. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1853901. (Download, Open Access)
    • Cleton, Laura / Schweitzer Reinhard (2021): Our aim is to assist migrants in making a well-informed decision: how return counsellors in Austria and the Netherlands manage the aspirations of unwanted non-citizens. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Vol. 47 (17), 3846–3863. DOI: (Download, Open Access)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2021): Umstrittene Relocation aus Moria. Proteste gegen die konservativ-grüne Regierungspolitik in Österreich. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 4/2021.
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde/Seisl, Benedikt/Stadlmair, Jeremias/Dalpra, Elio (2020). What Are Petitions Good for? Institutional Design and Democratic Functions. In: Parliamentary Affairs,, (Download, Open Access)
    • Hadj-Abdou, Leila / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2019): Party Activism: the permeability of the asylum protest arena in Austria. Social Movement Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2019.1567321. (Download, Open Access)
    • Hadj-Abdou, Leila / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2019): Contesting the deportation state? Political change aspirations in protests against forced returns. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42:16, 102-119, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2018.1562194. (Link)
    • Ataç, Ilker (2019): Deserving shelter: Conditional access to accommodation for rejected asylum seekers in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. (Link)
    • Haselbacher, Miriam /Hattmannsdorfer, Helena (2018): Desintegration in der Grundversorgung. Theoretische und empirische Befunde zur Unterbringung von Asylsuchenden im ländlichen Raum. Juridikum. Zeitschrift für Kritik – Recht – Gesellschaft, No. 3 pp. 373-387. (Link)
    • Ataç, Ilker / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2018): Social Policies as a Tool of Migration Control. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. (There are 50 copies available for free!)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2018): Navigating the Representative-Politics-Liberal-Rights Dilemma: Social Policy Designs for Nonremoved Migrants. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, DOI: 10.1080/15562948.2018.1489089. (Link)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Koppes, Sabine (2018): Claiming control: Cooperation with return as a condition for social benefits in Austria and the Netherlands. Comparative Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1186/s40878-018-0085-3. (Link)
    • Auer, D. / Bonoli, G. / Fossati, F. /Liechti, F. (2018): The matching hierarchies model: Evidence from a survey experiment on employers' hiring intent regarding immigrant applicants. International Migration Review, 53(1): 90-121. DOI:
    • Auer, D. / Fossati, F. (2018): The absent rewards of assimilation: How ethnic penalties persist in the Swiss labour market. The Journal of Economic Inequality. DOI:
    • Stadlmair, Jeremias (2018): Earning citizenship: Economic criteria for naturalisation in nine EU countries. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2018.1437025. (Link)
    • Sredanovic, Djorde / Stadlmair, Jeremias (2018): Introduction: trends towards particularism in European citizenship policies. Journal of Contemporary European Studies DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2018.1436531. (Link)
    • Rosenberger, S. / Schwenken, H. / Kirchhoff, M. / Merhaut, N. (2017). Abschiebe-Protest-Kulturen: Abschiebungen als Konfliktfeld in Deutschland und Österreich zwischen 1993 und 2013. In: Protest in Bewegung. Zum Wandel von Bedingungen, Formen und Effekten politischen Protests, Leviathan, Sonderheft 31, Hrsg. Daphi,P./Deitelhoff,N./Rucht,D./Teune,S. (Pdf)
    • Mattes, Astrid / Goetsch, Katharina / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2017): Restoring routine by debating tolerance? Discursive responses to jihadist terrorist attacks. In: Politics, Religion & Ideology. (Link)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Haselbacher, Miriam (2016): Populistischer Protest: Mobilisierung gegen Asylunterkünfte in oberösterreichischen Gemeinden. In: SWS-Rundschau (56 Jg.), Heft 3, S.399-421. (Download)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Stöckl, Iris (2016): The politics of categorization – political representatives with immigrant background between 'the other' and 'standing for'. Politics, Groups, and Identities, DOI: 10.1080/21565503.2016.1194764 (Link)
    • Gruber, Oliver (2016). Institutionalising a cross-sectional policy area? Ministerial competences for migrant integration in EU member states. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Online first (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2016.1240028).
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Stadlmair, Jeremias (2016): Petitionen und Parlamentarische Bürgerinitiativen: Zivilgesellschaft im Parlament? In: TransForm – Journal für Zivilgesellschaftliche Innovation, Vol. 1, 68-100
    • Gruber, Oliver / Stadlmair, Jeremias / Mattes, Astrid (2016): Die Meritokratische Neugestaltung der österreichischen Integrationspolitik zwischen Rhetorik und Policy. In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 45(1), 65-79
    • Meyer, Sarah / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2015): Just a Shadow? The Role of Radical Right Parties in the Politicization of Immigration, 1995 - 2009, in: Politics and Governance , Vol. 3, No 2 (2015), p. 1 - 17. (PDF)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Winkler, Jakob (2014): Com/passionate protests - fighting the deportation of asylum seekers, in: Mobilization. An International Quarterly 19/2, p. 489-510. (PDF)
    • Welz, Judith / Winkler, Jakob (2014): 'Abschiebepolitik im Spannungsfeld des liberal-demokratischen Paradoxons: Ermessensspielräume in asylrechtlichen Ausweisungsentscheidungen" In: ÖZP 2/2014 (PDF)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Trauner, Florian (2014): "Abschiebepolitik: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Annäherung" In: ÖZP 2/2014 (Editorial) (PDF)
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Mourão Permoser, Julia (2013): Zugehörigkeitspolitik - schmutziges Geschäft der politischen Grenzziehung?, in: SWS-Rundschau 53(4), 431-453. Link zum Volltext
    • Walter, Florian / Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Ptaszyńska, Aleksandra (2013): Challenging the Boundaries of Democratic Inclusion? Young People's Attitudes about the Distribution of Voting Rights, in: Citizenship Studies 17(3-4), 464-478.
    • Walter, Florian (2012): Von Teilhabe ausgeschlossen? Soziale Ungleichheit und politische Partizipation in Österreich, in: Kurswechsel 3/2012
    • Mourão Permoser, Julia (2012): Civic Integration as Symbolic Politics: Insights from Austria, in: European Journal of Migration and Law 14, 173-198.
    • Mourão Permoser, Julia / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2012): Die Politik der Zugehörigkeit: Ein sozialwissenschaftlich/künstlerisches Projekt im Wiener Gemeindebau, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 41(2), 201-209.
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / König, Alexandra (2011): Welcoming the unwelcome: Politics of minimum reception standards for asylum seekers in Austria, in: Journal of Refugee Studies, doi: 10.1093/jrs/fer051.
    • Mourão Permoser, Julia / Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Stoeckl, Kristina (2010): Religious Organizations as Political Actors in the Context of Migration: Islam and Orthodoxy in Austria, in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 36(9), 1463-1481.
    • Ataç, Ilker / Grünewald, Andreas (2008): Stabilization through Europeanization? Discussing the Transformation Dynamics in Turkey, in: Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 16(1), 31-54.
    • Gresch, Nora / Hadj-Abdou, Leila / Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Sauer, Birgit (2008): Tu felix Austria? The headscarf and the politics of ’non-issues’, in: Social Politics, Vol. 15(4), 411-432.
    • Rosenberger, Sieglinde / Sauer, Birgit (2008): Islam im öffentlichen Raum. Debatten und Regulationen in Europa. Eine Einführung, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 37(3), 387-399.
    • Meyer, Sarah / Rosenberger, Sieglinde (2008). Europäisierung durch nationale Wahlen? EUropa im österreichischen Nationalratswahlkampf 2006, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Vol. 37(3), 297-314. (PDF)